Closing The Door Of Opportunity On Satan

Posted by Rev. Mark Slay

You must close the door on the things that give the devil an opportunity in your life because if you don't close them, then they won't ever be closed. God has a part to play in our lives and He always does His part, but God won't close these doors for you. This comes as a shock to people: but whatever it is that's hindering you, it could be a hindrance or it could be a sin, if you like it that way it's going to stay that way. And the devil will be there to enforce it. But if you want to change, if you want things to be different and you want to line up and live according to the Word, then things can be different. God promises us this, but God only makes the promise. He does not make the decision. God's power will be provided after you make the decision. It is His power, but it is your decision.

"Therefore since we have a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us let us also lay aside every encumberance and the sin which so easily entangles us and let us run with endurance the race that's set before us"     Hebrews 12:1

Notice he mentions encumbrances and sin... and they entangle us. An encumbrance could be something that is not necessarily inherently wrong but yet by continually engaging in it doesn't help you spiritually. It actually weighs you down. The King James translation of the Bible says lay aside every weight. So what is it that's holding you back in your life? Maybe it's not sin, maybe it's just something that you're just squandering your time on.

I had to and did eliminate a number of things from my life that weren't necessarily wrong, but they're just encumbrances. They're weights, they're foolish. You're squandering your time by engaging in them.

"And do not give the devil an opportunity".   Ephesians 4:27 (NASB)

Paul writes to Christians and says "do not give the devil an opportunity". Plenty of people do, and many times they don't even know they are. Now there are some that give him an opportunity and know they are. But alot of people give him an opportunity and don't even know it.

There are 3 things that will affect you spiritually:

People -
"But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler - not even to eat with such a one."    I Corinthians 5:11

There are some people you should have no business making close associates. There were people that when I first became a Christian, that was the end of our relationship. I had one friend that I went to high school with and we were roommates in college. His father worked for the largest brewery in the world and was one of the top executives. And this guy just liked to drink. I never did drink much, even before I was saved. Well when I got saved, that was the end of that relationship. That was it. I can not fellowship with you on a close basis. I'll always love you. I'll always be kind to you. If you ever need help, I will be there to help you. But as far as run with you, it's over. We want to protect ourselves so that we don't get pulled back into darkness. We don't want to give the devil an opportunity, so we cut him off where we can.

"Do not be deceived, bad company (that means people) corrupts good morals.   I Corinthians 15:33

I've had plenty of people try to tell me it doesn't affect them. Who am I gonna believe? Am I gonna believe the Bible, God? Or am I gonna believe them?

Now, He does not mean the person who is doing wrong and wants help. He's talking about someone who is aware and unashamed of their sin. He's saying someone who is professed and solid in their sin, don't make these people your close companion. They are not your "running buddies". Notice who has to close that door. You do.

Places -

There are some places Christians shouldn't be at all. They got no business being in bars even under the guise of trying to minister to people. When you walk into a bar you are walking into a place where spirits are ruling high. And their influence can cloak you and drape you and begin suggesting to you and you expose yourself to something and you'll have to fight something that you shouldn't even have to fight. Spirits can and do go with you. There is a spiritual attachment (influence) to every person, every place and everything that you have.

Things -

There are certain things that you aught not have in your house. You know if you've got a problem with alcohol you shouldn't have alcohol in your house. And if you're a Christian, you shouldn't have alcohol in your house at all. But even more certainly you should not if you have a drinking problem. Also, if you've got a problem with drinking or ever did have a problem with drinking, don't go into the bars. Christians have no business being in bars.

"Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things."   Philippians 4:8

You see you got this murder and mayhem and all this illicit sex and all this junk people are sucking into their spirits. They say, "well what's the difference? It's real life, it's true". Yes, but is it honorable? Is it of good repute? Is it lovely? Is it excellent? Is it worthy of praise? Who's going to close the door on it? You are!

So Paul wrote to the Ephesians and said that the devil could have an opportunity and he wrote to the Corinthians and said that the devil should not be given any advantage of you. But, we are not ignorant of his schemes. He's got schemes, but the question is what do you do about them? Will you act in such a way that will close the door, or are you going to leave it open? Paul told Timothy that "if any man will cleanse himself of these things, he will be a vessel for honor". You can close the door of opportunity on Satan. It's up to you!